

Monday, November 13, 2017

***Blog Tour Stop and Giveaway*** Endless Love by Nelle L'Amour

Title: Endless Love
Series: Love Series #2
Author: Nelle L'Amour
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: November 8, 2017

The long-awaited sequel to New York Times bestselling author, Nelle L’Amour’s critically acclaimed masterpiece, Undying Love.
“With love, there are no goodbyes.”
The heart-wrenching words of Ryan Madewell’s beloved late wife. It’s been almost five years since Allee died, but Ryan, now a successful writer, hasn’t been able to move on. Passing in and out of the stages of grief, he’s been unable to find a woman who can mend his broken heart. Someone new to love and cherish.
Until he meets Willow Rosenthal, a fiery, spirited former ballerina, who awakens in him feelings of lust and passion he thought he’d never experience again.
Allee, in her dying letter, urged Ryan to move on…to live his life and find another woman to make him feel alive again. And finally he has.
Just when Ryan thinks he can let go and love again, Willow’s demons from the past resurface and threaten to end their relationship. Their incredible love story. Ryan must fight for what he deserves. Will his heart once again be shredded to pieces or will he finally get his happily ever after?

“Is it okay if I sit down on the bed?”
“Sure,” I said breathlessly. A sudden wave of embarrassment and insecurity washed over me as he lowered himself next to me. Here I was in bed with Ryan Madewell IV, the drop-dead, gorgeous bestselling author of Undying Love. Holy shit!
His eyes swept around the room, taking in every detail.
“Is this where you slept as a child?”
“Yes,” I said diffidently. The room hadn’t been redecorated for years. It still bore my white wrought iron canopy bed and the painted cottage furniture my mom had found at the 26th Street flea market. The pink floral wallpaper matched my bedspread and the curtains that hung on the window. It was so embarrassingly princessy. And next to me on one of my pillows was my favorite stuffed animal—a dilapidated little monkey.
“Who’s that?” asked Ryan upon eyeing it.
“Baboo. I’ve had him since I was a baby.”
Ryan’s gaze stayed on him. “I had one of those. His name was Monk. But my mother threw him out when I was five. I think that was the beginning of all my fuckedupness.”
“I’m sorry,” I said with compassion, remembering what I’d read about his mother in his book. Eleanor Madewell. She was an icy alcoholic with narcissistic tendencies. So unlike my warm, loving mother.
His gaze moved to my nightstand. He studied what was on it.
“Is that your mom?” he asked, pointing his long index finger at a framed photo. It was a portrait of a woman in her early twenties with flaming red hair similar to mine. She held a little curly-haired redheaded girl in her arms. Me.
“Your father is right. She was beautiful…like you.”
“Thanks,” I murmured, heating from the compliment.
Before I could say another word, his face brightened. “And you still keep a copy of my book on your nightstand?”
I felt my face flush and smiled shyly. “I like to re-read chapters before I go to sleep.” I paused. “Thanks again for signing it.”
“No, thank you for asking me.” His eyes burnt into mine. I was having a hard time breathing and I didn’t know what to say next. The heavenly scent of his light cologne drifted up my nose, making me heady.
His eyes surveyed the rest of the room. I’d read once that writers are observers.
His gaze fixed on the framed photos on my dresser—most of them of me, taken at various stages in my life, in leotards and tutus, some at recitals, others at classes. Then, he shifted his vision to the worn, pink satin pointe shoes that dangled from my headboard. They were my very first pair—I was only ten when I got them.
“Are you a dancer?” he asked.
My muscles tensed. “Yes.” Or should I say was?
“Do you perform?”
I hesitated before responding. “No.”
A half-truth. I hadn’t performed for over six months and I wasn’t sure if I ever would again. I didn’t want to get into details about my recent past. Or think about Gustave …at least right now.
His eyes stayed riveted on the little pink slippers as he gave them a light tap. Tied to the bed by their frayed ribbons, they swung back and forth like a pendulum.
“Do you want me to go downstairs and get you something to eat?”
“Maybe in a little bit.” The truth was I hungered only for him; I didn’t want him to leave me. Not yet. As I soaked in his gorgeous profile, my heart thudded and a buzz of lust flooded my body. I longed to touch him. Run my fingers through his hair. For him to touch me. Trace my lips with his fingers. An awkward stretch of silence followed as he continued to play with my pointe shoes. Then, he turned to face me again, the expression on his face a mixture of hesitance and longing.
“Willow, I want to ask you something.” He paused, holding me in his gaze. “Can I kiss you?”
My lips parted in shock, and my heart practically stopped. “Yes, please,” I murmured. Now! I couldn’t wait a moment more.
On my next rapid heartbeat, he cupped my cheeks in his hands, leaned down, and crushed his soft, warm lips against mine. He nibbled my upper lip, then deepened the kiss, gnawing and sucking. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I’d never been kissed like this before. A heat wave spread through my body, setting every cell on fire. As a moan escaped my throat, his tongue parted my lips and found mine. They danced together, swirling and twirling, two strangers in the night discovering each other. The salty taste of the salmon lingered in his mouth and mixed with his sweet saliva, making him even more delicious. My fingers fisted his hair as our lips, tongues, and moans mingled. I had read about his kisses, but nothing had prepared me for the sensation of one. It was the kiss of all kisses. I thought I was leaving this planet.
Suddenly, heavy footsteps thudded in the near distance. My father!

Jenn's  Review
Image result for 4 1/2 stars

I have waited so long for this book to be released! Undying Love was one of the very first books I reviewed and it completely shredded me.
Now here we are. I finally have my conclusion and I was absolutely not ready for the story to end!
I love Ryan, and Willow is an amazing woman. Willow is compassionate, fierce, and everything she sets her mind to is done with grace. It was Nelle's words on each page that I was able to visualize it all. Her descriptions allowed me to see Willow dancing on stage. They allowed me to feel the pain of both Ryan and Willow. Their futures had been stolen from them. And, it's taken them some time to crawl out of that dark space.
I read Endless Love in one sitting and as I started the first page, it immediately took me back to the end of Undying Love. For a quick second I thought the opening were my words! Because Willow's words and mine were almost exact. Once you read it, you will know what I mean.
For a majority of the story I had a smile on my face. Others...well, my heart was pumping. I was scared, angry and just wanting to throat punch some people. Again, you will know exactly what I mean, as you read this story.
I give Endless Love by Nelle L'Amour 4 1/2 heartmending stars!!

I am a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin college-bound princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment industry with a prestigious Humanitas Prize for promoting human dignity and freedom to my credit, I gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago, but I still enjoy playing with toys with my hubby. While I write in my PJs, I love to get dressed up and pretend I’m Hollywood royalty. My steamy stories feature characters that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon and stay in your heart forever. They’re often inspired by my past life.

To learn about my new releases, sales, and giveaways, please sign up for my newsletter and follow me on social media. I love to hear from my readers.

Monday, May 8, 2017

***Blog Tour and Giveaway*** Truly Helpless (Nature of Desire Series) by Joey W. Hill

Being truly helpless is the only thing that can save him. But it’s the one thing he’s not willing to do.
Marius has all the things a Mistress could want in a one-night-sub encounter. Hot body, loads of charm and a willingness to get her off in any way she pleases. That’s his reputation at The Zone. But Marius has a dark side. When a Mistress pushes him for something deeper, he’ll push back, mess with her head. When he takes it too far one night, The Zone management has had enough. He’s kicked out of the club and there’s only one way back in—Lady Regina.
Regina’s been studying Marius for a while. She enjoys her submissives in all flavors, and she likes them challenging, though not usually the “knight-in-distress” type, so screwed up she’d need a backhoe to dig him out of his dysfunctions. But on that pivotal night, she sees something in Marius. He doesn’t know what it means to be truly helpless to a Mistress, but he needs it, more than any sub she’s ever encountered. And that’s a challenge this Mistress can’t resist.


Background: Regina is tending Marius after he competes in an illegal fight…

She stepped back. “You’ll do. I suppose you know a hot shower when you get home is the best remedy, on top of the ibuprofen you just took. Though I’d highly recommend a tetanus update and having your head examined.”
He kept staring at her. He wanted to make her nervous with his silence. Tough luck with that, boy, she thought. You want to self-gag, it doesn’t bother me.
Answering in kind, she tossed one final wipe into the trash and headed for the door. Embracing her Mistress side meant understanding there was an energy flow between Dom and sub once a connection was made, even if the connection was the rope in a tug of war. She rode that energy how it was meant to be ridden, not forcing her own expectations on it. It worked better that way. She’d accomplished what mattered most to her here, which was confirming he’d finally released that surfeit of potent energy from his session at the club earlier in the night. He was leveling out. While he could likely use a lot more aftercare, they were quite a distance from him earning that kind of treatment from her.
“You don’t want to talk about what happened in Tyler’s office?” he said abruptly. “Or why you followed me here?”
“No.” She continued to move toward the opening that would lead back to the ring area and then the parking lot. She didn’t need or want to stay any longer. She didn’t anticipate that he would do or say anything to hold her there longer, so it was a pleasant surprise when he did.
“You didn’t say what you thought of the fight.”
She pivoted and met his gaze. “No, I didn’t. Would you like to know?”
He could look wary, like an animal being baited into a trap. He had thick, dark lashes. His gray eyes were like the mirror surface of a lake. “Yeah,” he said at last.
“Okay.” She returned to him. There was a pen sitting next to the tray of gauze. Picking it up, she extended her hand, looking pointedly at one of his. When he offered it, she clasped his wrist and wrote an address on the inside of his forearm, along with Friday, 6:30pm.
His fingers flexed above her grip and she was aware of his breath stirring tendrils of hair against her cheek. Her hip pressed against his knee. She imagined sliding between his spread thighs, tasting the metallic flavor lingering on his lips, feeling the flex of his shoulder muscles under her splayed fingers and firm palms. His hands would curve over her hips, his own fingers digging in, showing he wanted and needed her.
Careful, girl, she thought. Don’t screw with your own head. He’ll do enough of that without your help.
“Meet me there and I’ll tell you.” Setting the pen aside, she laid a hand on the side of his face. His gaze lifted to her. “Get some rest. Take care of yourself.”
When he started to lift his hand to clasp her arm, she drew back and shook her head, a denial. His lips set in a thin line. “That a command, Mistress?” he asked tonelessly.
“Take it however you want.”
He curled his fingers around the edge of the table, body leaning forward, eyes suddenly cold and hard. “It wouldn’t matter, anyway, since you don’t really like me.”
“No. I don’t,” she responded frankly. “But I care about you. That doesn’t require that I like you.”
Jenn's Review
WOW!! Are you in the mood for some strong characters? And not just in the physical sense. I’m talking about having enough strength to keep your demons at bay, when all you want to do is beat someone to the edge of death. But, I’m also talking about having the strength to see what’s truly inside someone and knowing you can’t give up on them…no matter the consequences.

Maruis has been on a downward spiral for a long time. The people around him saw the change in him but, didn’t know what to do to help him or even slow him down, on his path of destruction.

Lady Regina has seen quite a bit in her life.  She worked as a correctional officer while in school and her life as a Mistress has given her many opportunities to get into the minds of men. Some are honest in their ways and others are lying to themselves. Since she’s been watching Marius, she can see that he is a ticking time bomb. She just has no clue how deep that torment goes. Maruis needs lots of help. He has messed with the minds of so many Dommes that none want to play with him as a sub. He’s holding onto something so dark that when the right triggers are touched, he turns into an angry beast. And it can get extremely ugly. Regina agrees to intervene, but she’s going to need some help.

AND, Joey lets us see Marguerite and Tyler again!! Their story was truly one of my most favorite books, EVER! I didn’t realize how much I had missed them until Regina needs their help and advice.
This story was fantastic. Watching Marius face his fears and heartbreaking and seeing Lady Regina nurture and care for him was the balm I needed. There were times that I felt like it was too wordy. That was the only turn off for me. However, the thoughts of the characters and her explanations were needed for the story to flow. So, it was my issue, not the author’s.

Would you like to read Chapter One of Truly Helpless? Find it here - http://storywitch.com/book-nod-th (scroll down below blurb/buy links).

Author Bio

Winner of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement award, Joey W. Hill has published over forty contemporary and paranormal BDSM erotic romances, including six series. Her emotionally-intense love stories offer everything from vampires, mermaids, witches and angels, to boardroom executives, cops and simple housemaids. With her books, she suggests “don’t look past the sex; look in it, and find a wonderful story to touch the heart and soul.”
Author Web & Social Media links:
Website: storywitch.com
Twitter: @JoeyWHill
Facebook: facebook.com/JoeyWHillAuthor
GoodReads: goodreads.com/author/show/103359.Joey_W_Hill
Fan sites/free material: storywitch.com/community


Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and two ebooks from author’s existing titles (reader’s choice).

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

***Cover Reveal*** Finding Mr. Wrong by A.M. Madden and Joanne Schwehm


Title: Finding Mr. Wrong

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Authors: A. M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm

Release Date: February 20th

Cover Designer: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Model: Kevin Luetolf

Photographer: Nadia Von Scotti

about-the-book-finding-mr-wrong-black fmw_frontcover_finalversion

Here’s a tip: never trust a jackass in preppy clothing.

The phrase “trust me” should have been my first clue to hightail it out the door, but hindsight is always 20/20.

So there I was, on a stage with two other men, being asked ridiculous questions by a woman I couldn’t see, but whose voice made my pants tighten—and not around my ankles.

Before I knew what was happening, I'd signed up for six weeks in paradise, isolated on an island for forty-two days with a complete stranger. And when I finally laid eyes on the sexy brunette who belonged to that voice, a part of me thought this wouldn’t be so bad.

I’ve always been a levelheaded guy. I am a successful, smart, and shrewd business man. But that was when I was listening to the head above my shoulders. Once the blood traveled south, I always ran into trouble.

She called me Mr. Wrong, and that was fine with me

. Lesson learned: lust always trumps logic.






A.M. Madden is the author of the popular Back-Up Series, as well as several other contemporary romances. She also writes the True Heroes Series for Random House. Her debut novel was Back-up, the first in The Back-Up Series. In Back-Up, A.M.'s main character Jack Lair caused readers to swoon. They call themselves #LairLovers, and have been faithful supporters to Jack, as well to the rest of his band, Devil's Lair. A.M. truly believes that true love knows no bounds. In her books, she aspires to create fun, sexy, realistic romances that will stay with you after the last page has been turned. She strives to create characters that the reader can relate to and feel as if they know personally. A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. She also uses every free moment of her time writing, while spending quality time with her three handsome men. A.M. is a Gemini and an Italian Jersey girl, but despite her Zodiac sign, nationality, or home state, she is very easy going. She loves the beach, loves to laugh, and loves the idea of love.



Joanne is a mother and wife and loves spending time with her family. She’s an avid sports watcher and enjoys the occasional round of golf.
Joanne loves to write and read romance. She believes everyone should have romance in their lives and hopes her books bring joy and happiness to readers who enjoy modern day fairy tales and breathless moments.
She is an independant romance author and has written several contemporary romance novels, including The Prescott Series, Ryker, A Heart’s Forgiveness, The Critic and The Chance series which she has recently sold the screenplay rights to and will be adapted into a movie which is currently titled, Accidental Hearts.
Joanne looks forward to sharing more love stories in her future novels.

She firmly believes when that unexpected chance comes, take it. Don't let it pass you by. You never know what you could be missing.



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